Undertale/Deltarune Newsletter/Mailing list Archive

Welcome to my little archive.

Official archives:

These are the emails I received. It's the original HTML, except I replaced the tracking and other personal links with "#redacted". Also, your name is replaced by "(name) and your favorite food is replaced with "(food)".

Missing: Japanese versions, other tiers (they have slight differences), the ones you got by subscribing and unsubscribing, winter 2024 valentine variations, Toby Fox in swim trunks covered in an extremely large amount of foam, and probably others.

If you have any more emails, please send them to me at eldorado.luiz@gmail.com and I'll include them here. DO NOT forward it, either download the email as a .eml file, or copy the text in the "show original" option, otherwise, data might be lost. Thanks!

Thank you to ecramox for sending in some emails!